iWIN Survey: Well-Being in the Intensive Care UNIT Workforce

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iWIN is planning to do a survey-based study among all health professionals involved in critical care to assess how wellbeing is impacted by our work and personal environments.
Health professionals need to be well to provide high-quality health care to their patients, to experience intensive care medicine as a rewarding and satisfying career and to be truly present for their family and friends.
With this survey, iWIN wants to anonymously explore how our wellbeing is impacted by our work and personal environments.
We not only want to increase awareness for the topic but also have a possible starting point for further develop a suite of practical recommendations for improving the wellbeing of health care professionals in intensive and critical care emergency setting.

iWIN survey research group

Some tips before starting:

  1. Your participation is very important: you must be as accurate as possible in filling out the questionnaire.
  2. Do not consider the questionnaire as a test: it is simply a survey on the real world in your clinical environment. We need to know your well-being in day-to-day reality (not what you should do if you could, or what you think is the best answer, but what happens in your department).
  3. If not specified, select only one answer. If you think more than one option may be applicable to your reality, try to select the most common choice. If you are unsure or don't know the answer, it is best not to select any option (unless the "don't know" option is available).
  4. The data resulting from this study will be kept confidential and anonymous, and we also ensure that they will be used strictly for scientific purposes.
  5. To answer this questionnaire, you must be a worker in intensive care setting and be at least 18 years old.
  6. It is important to note that only participants who meet the study requirements will be able to complete the questionnaire, that they will not receive any kind of reward and that this study does not foresee psychological or physical risks.
  7. If you have any questions, please send an email to: iwinresearchsurvey@gmail.com

Please select one of the following options:*

I confirm that I have read the informed consent and I AGREE to participate in the study
I confirm that I have read the informed consent and DO NOT AGREE to participate in the study